Wednesday, January 14, 2009

You know you're hardcore when...

*you leave work at 2:45 p.m. and pay $22 for an hour and a half train ride up to Milwaukee to run a track workout and not get home til after 8 p.m. Yeah, I'm not sure that i'm good enough of a runner to be making this type of commitment. This is pretty serious folks, but this really tells you how inaccessible indoor tracks are and how terrible the footing is in Chicago during the winter. Not to mention that we have -20 degree windchills right now. Not good and not too productive. Its cool though (no pun intended) cause it is sort of a mini-trip, get outta town, have a good workout and good time with my bud Verdo and Claudia. Claudia is actually up there for work and will be driving us home afterwards. Let's hope for the best.

Other than some real quality workouts, my running is going fairly well. I hit 71 miles last week and am going to be right around there again this week. I registered for two races that I will be taking pretty seriously this year.

Shamrock Shuffle - Chicago - March 29th - top 100 entry

Indy-mini marathon - Indianapolis - May 2nd - Front of the pack entry

I'm pretty pumped and motivated to train for both as I really don't want to be that guy that starts up front and has a seeded bib and runs terrible. We will see. Goal is to be running in the 85 to 100 mpw range.

1 comment:

  1. That's dedication for a workout! I spent 90 minutes today boiling water, etc to get my car out of my driveway so I could head south about 40 miles and do a 6 mile easy run and 8 striders.

    What we'll do for love...
